Christ Way Church: Come Worship, Grow and Serve With Us.

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Welcome to the online home of Christ Way Church

Dive into Vacation Bible School at Christ Way Church!

Are you ready for an underwater adventure like no other? Join us at Christ Way Church in Greensboro, NC, for this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS)! Our exciting theme, “Scuba Diving into a Friendship with God,” promises a week full of fun, learning, and deepening our connection with God.


Welcoming Community.

Our mission is as followers of Christ, to fulfill the great commission, which is to make disciples, of all nations, and baptizing believers and teaching them to obey all that God has commanded them. So we are to reach and teach all nations, for God’s glory. Matt.28:18-20

Our Vision is to have a place here at Christ Way Church, where all people can come and be saved, and grow in the grace and knowledge of the our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, so God’s people can glorify Him and help others to do the same. 2Peter.3:18 but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Pastor's Corner

Christ Way Church is a great place to belong. It’s a home – the family you can always go back to, and the place you will always remember.

How to be Saved

You Were Created to Have a Relationship With God. Receive God Into Your Life Today.

Online Giving

If you make charitable donations from time to time, keep Christ Way Church in mind! Your donation will be used to help others.

Connecting People Through
the Love of Christ.